Jamie's Corner: Door #1, #2 or #3?

What is Jamie’s Corner? 

Jamie's Corner is a humorous look at life, in particular my life. 

In the movies, I am not the elegant lady that walks down the stairs and charms her guests with grace and beauty. I am the one that trips on her gown, spills wine on her new dress and tries to carry on a conversation with spinach stuck in between her teeth. Years ago, it used to affect my sense of self and make my depression worse. But I no longer see it that way. A writer once told me anything that does not go smoothly in life makes for a good story. I agree. And I have lots of stories.

View the full archive of Jamie's Corner here.

My story this week is Jamie and Door #1, #2 or #3?

It was a simple enough situation. I was at a restaurant for lunch one day with my husband. I excused myself to use the restroom when I came to three doors. Feeling like Alice in Wonderland, I stopped in my tracks. The restrooms were designated by pictures, not words. There were three options: an “any gender” restroom designated by both a male and female picture, a women’s only bathroom and a men’s only restroom. I do not identify as a male, so I excluded that option. (Did I say that with the correct terminology? Hopefully, I did.) 

That left me faced with the other two options, the “any gender” possible multigender restroom and the women’s restroom. I honestly didn’t want to go into the multigender restroom. Men don’t always aim accurately hence making the restrooms a little sticky. I’m sorry, I’m sure that’s not the most appropriate thing to say. I don’t mean to imply that all men are careless, but it does sound like stereotyping, doesn’t it? Ooh, I’m really sorry to any men out there that may be offended. 

I also got to thinking. Well, what if someone doesn’t identify as male or female but as transgender? Do the pictures of the male and female on the restroom door discriminate against them? I mean wouldn’t it be better to SAY multigender? If so, would I be perpetuating a stereotype I don’t want to perpetuate by going into the male/female restroom? I just didn’t know.

Therefore, I made my decision. Since it would be safest and most supportive to use the women only restroom, I selected the restroom identified with the picture of the female on the door.

I am happy to report that I was able to complete the rest of my restaurant experience and finish my lunch without any more issues or confusion. 


My photo
Hello! I am Jamie- a nurse, a wife, and a mother (of 2 great kids and 3 amazing dogs). I have also lived with chronic illness, including chronic depression, since I was a teenager. Many years later, I now thrive with my depression rather than simply survive. I started this blog to share info and my experience with severe, chronic depression because I want YOU to thrive as well!

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