Jamie's Corner: The Murder

What is Jamie's Corner? 

In the movies, I am not the elegant lady that walks down the stairs and charms her guests with grace and beauty. I am the one that trips on her gown, spills wine on her new dress and tries to carry on a conversation with spinach stuck in between her teeth. Years ago, it used to affect my sense of self and make my depression worse. But I no longer see it that way. A writer once told me anything that does not go smoothly in life makes for a good story. I agree. And I have lots of stories.

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My story this week: Jamie and The Murder 

Don't worry! I did not murder anybody. I am innocent. (Isn't that what they all say?😅)

My father-in-law and I enjoy detective shows. 
We watch several different ones during the week. You know the ones? The detectives go around and solve a crime; often a kidnapping or murder. They follow the clues and narrow down the list of suspects. They finally find one and, of course, he/she says "I am innocent." But they catch him/her in the end. The criminal goes to jail and all is right with the world. Justice is served. (Of course with some of the more sophisticated shows, it does not always have a fairy tale ending. But that is a discussion for another day).
One evening I put on an episode of a show I used to watch all of the time. Shortly into the episode, a man is murdered. This victim was was stealing from several people and treated everyone unkindly. So the list of suspects was long. Revenge was the likely motive. The main character in the show solved the crime. It was an accidental murder. One character, a sweet young lady, walked in on the man while he was stealing and he hit her. She struck back at him with a frozen fish, yep you heard me correctly, a frozen fish! Really? I'm guessing the writers had the flu that week. We were sorely disappointed in the episode. No justice was served. No bad guy went to jail. All was not right with the world.

Therefore, we did the only thing we could. We located another detective show and watched an episode. This show had a murder, and the bad guy was caught. All was right with the world again. We felt much better. Justice served on a silver platter! I feel safe now. 



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Hello! I am Jamie- a nurse, a wife, and a mother (of 2 great kids and 3 amazing dogs). I have also lived with chronic illness, including chronic depression, since I was a teenager. Many years later, I now thrive with my depression rather than simply survive. I started this blog to share info and my experience with severe, chronic depression because I want YOU to thrive as well!

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