Jamie's Corner: Blurt it Out! Bumper Stickers

In the movies, I am not the elegant lady that walks down the stairs and charms her guests with grace and beauty. I am the one that trips on her gown, spills wine on her new dress and tries to carry on a conversation with spinach stuck in between her teeth. Years ago, it used to affect my sense of self and make my depression worse. But I no longer see it that way. A writer once told me anything that does not go smoothly in life makes for a good story. I agree. And I have lots of stories.

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My story this week: Jamie and Blurt it Out! Bumper Stickers!

Driving can be a challenge, right? Especially if you live in a busy area. You have the speed racers, the new drivers, the really good drivers, and the super-slow drivers who seem to be enjoying the ride in their own time zone. 
And, since cars always seem to need some type of repair, sigh, those who try to "baby" their cars in the hope that they can get more miles out of them. Because let's face it, driving a vehicle is not cheap! 

But, no matter what type of driver you are, we have the bumper sticker for you! Let other drivers know what they can, and what they shouldn't, expect from you. 

Maybe you need to drive slowly with extra care because of a much-needed repair. Do you have a car that needs some work? No problem, let people know that your car is under construction with one of our best-sellers: Under Construction; Kitten Edition.

You can also order Under Construction; Dog edition or Under Construction; Jaguar Edition.

Do you have a fast car? Or are you just a speedster?
Check out one of our fan favorites:
Future Nascar Driver

Also available for order:
I'm Trying to Reach Mach 5

Coming out for the holidays:
I'm Quick on My Broomstick
Santa's A Sleigh Driver: Gotta Deliver these Toys!

Looking to go slow and take your time?
We've got you covered with:
The Leisurely Leatherback.

Also available:
Mellow Motorist Member
Sightseer in Action
Tourist in Training

And, coming out soon,
Retired and Relaxing

Next category is the lost driver. If you are directionally challenged, like me, I hope you "find" our inventory below useful.

Warn other drivers that you may be changing direction frequently with this 
Lost, Very Lost bumper sticker. 

You may also select one of the following:
Do YOU know Where I am?
Driver Not Lost, Searching for the Pot of Gold
I'm Not Lost, I just enjoy Doing U-Turns
I Might be Adrift, what Sea is This?

And, last but not least, is for the new driver.
I LOVE when new drivers let me know that, well, that they are new drivers. I am automatically more patient, careful and try to be a better role model.

For the driver that just go their license, we offer the following bumper stickers:

New Driver: Still Looking for the Gas Pedal
New Driver: This Looks a lot Easier in the Movies!
And, our favorite, 
New Driver: You Guys do this Every Day?

Order Now! Supplies are going fast!


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Hello! I am Jamie- a nurse, a wife, and a mother (of 2 great kids and 3 amazing dogs). I have also lived with chronic illness, including chronic depression, since I was a teenager. Many years later, I now thrive with my depression rather than simply survive. I started this blog to share info and my experience with severe, chronic depression because I want YOU to thrive as well!

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The information provided on this site is solely for informational purposes and represents the opinion of the author. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please contact your physician before making any changes to your treatment plan. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. You may also contact the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255. Additional resources are located on the Resource Tab at the top of the page.