Jamie's Corner: Greeting Cards! Because it's all about you


In the movies, I am not the elegant lady that walks down the stairs and charms her guests with grace and beauty. I am the one that trips on her gown, spills wine on her new dress and tries to carry on a conversation with spinach stuck in between her teeth. Years ago, it used to affect my sense of self and make my depression worse. But I no longer see it that way. A writer once told me anything that does not go smoothly in life makes for a good story. I agree. And I have lots of stories.

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My story this week: Greeting Cards! Because it's all about you!

Hopefully you had a chance to see last's week episode:
Blurt it Out! Greeting Cards- when you just have to say it!

This is a continuation of the greeting cards we have to offer at Blurt it Out! Last week we showed you some of our most popular cards: Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas, supportive cards, and our I'm Sorry collection including our best seller: I'm Sorry work edition. 

Let us show you what else we have to offer! 

Wedding: We offer our wedding collection, as versatile as the couple themselves. There is a drop down section for you to complete. Simply select from one of the options below.

Congratulations on becoming:
a. husband and wife
b. wife and husband
c. husband and husband
d. wife and wife
e. decline to identify with a specified gender as we find it offensive

Birthday: Tired of birthday cards that remind you that you have become another year older? How rude! Let's celebrate you without discussing your age.                                                                            And besides, do any of us even remember our actually birthday? It's not like a wedding or graduation where you actually recall the event! (Unless of course you had way too much to drink.)

Graduation Day: We also offer a versatile graduation day card. This one is specifically for the young lad, or lass, that has graduated and is going on to bigger and brighter accomplishments. Similar to our wedding collection, there is a drop down selection for you to complete. We have provided the most common options. Please see below: 

So proud of you...:
a. for being accepted to medical school
b. for going to graduate school
c. for starting your own YouTube channel
d. for taking a well-deserved year off to live on your parent's couch in the basement


The arrival of a child: Nothing is as exciting as the arrival of a little girl or boy. But we believe a card can also be educational. This card is specifically for new parents. Just a considerate heads up what to expect in the near future!

New job: Did your co-worker find a better, less stressful job? Are you a little bit jealous? Then this is the card for you! Let your co-worker know how happy you are for them and that you might be willing to leave your company as well. Hint hint!


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Hello! I am Jamie- a nurse, a wife, and a mother (of 2 great kids and 3 amazing dogs). I have also lived with chronic illness, including chronic depression, since I was a teenager. Many years later, I now thrive with my depression rather than simply survive. I started this blog to share info and my experience with severe, chronic depression because I want YOU to thrive as well!

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The information provided on this site is solely for informational purposes and represents the opinion of the author. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please contact your physician before making any changes to your treatment plan. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. You may also contact the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255. Additional resources are located on the Resource Tab at the top of the page.