Jamie's Corner: The Hunger Games

In the movies, I am not the elegant lady that walks down the stairs and charms her guests with grace and beauty. I am the one that trips on her gown, spills wine on her new dress and tries to carry on a conversation with spinach stuck in between her teeth. Years ago, it used to affect my sense of self and make my depression worse. But I no longer see it that way. A writer once told me anything that does not go smoothly in life makes for a good story. I agree. And I have lots of stories.

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My story this week: The Hunger Games! 

Jamie: I am starting to like to real-life Hunger Games.

Friend: Um, there aren't real-life Hunger Games. It is a series of fictional movies based on books written by Suzanne Collins.

Jamie: Really? Because I just watched it on tv last night.

Friend: What?

Jamie: Well, each district sends tributes to compete against each other. The tributes fight each other trying to win the prize and the pride of their districts. They have mentors to help them through the games. Fortunately, they rarely die but they can get really injured. The mentors and tributes try to gain the favor of members of the Capitol to help them in their quest. 

Friend: And you watched this last night? It sounds a little violent.

Jamie: Yes, in fact most people I know watch it and enjoy it. For years, I didn't really like it. But I am starting to enjoy it now.

Friend: And just what country does this take place in?

Jamie: Multiple countries. But mostly in the USA.

Friend: I just don't believe you. Ok, what backwards channel was this game on?

Jamie: FOX Sports.

Friend: What were the names of the Tributes?

Jamie: The 49ers and the Seahawks. 

Friend: Jamie, you weren't watching The Hunger Games, you were watching Football. 

Jamie: Whatever. It looked like the Hunger Games. 

Friend: So, my guess is you think the players are the Tributes. Who are the Mentors and member of the Capitol?

Jamie: The Mentors are called coaches. The members of the Capitol are known as companies. They offer the Tributes money if they agree to drink their products or wear their clothes. It definitely makes the game more fun. Go 49ers!!!


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Hello! I am Jamie- a nurse, a wife, and a mother (of 2 great kids and 3 amazing dogs). I have also lived with chronic illness, including chronic depression, since I was a teenager. Many years later, I now thrive with my depression rather than simply survive. I started this blog to share info and my experience with severe, chronic depression because I want YOU to thrive as well!

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