Weight Loss and Wellness: Let the Journey Begin!

Ready for a break? 

Who doesn't like taking a break from the pace (and paperwork) of everyday life? Take a moment and think back to a vacation or trip you really enjoyed. What did you like about being there? Did you get some sunlight, enjoy the outdoors, go to a show, visit a museum, or just relax?

 It doesn't matter if you are getting away from the hectic pace of a super busy life or a change in scenery from the everyday monotony of a slower paced life. Sometimes a different view can help your point of view. 

Wellness and weight loss are a lot like going on vacation. (Really, you might be thinking? Aren't they more like being sentenced to the dungeon during the Dark Ages?) What I mean is that it is usually a breath of fresh air once you arrive but getting there can be frustrating. And the exact path we choose can be as varied as we are. That being said, there are some similarities, some common ground. 
Wellness and weight loss are a lot like going on vacation. The initial work in preparing for a trip can be a little overwhelming but the results are usually worth it. 
  • The more you prepare, the easier your trip will be.
  • The longer the trip, the more work you will have to do.
  • Just like on a trip, once you arrive there you can loosen your grip. But that doesn't mean you can go crazy, get super drunk, and destroy your hotel room. I said loosen your grip, not completely lose your grip.
  • A trip is usually more fun if you do it with someone else; preferably someone you like. 
  • Once your trip is over, you will need time to acclimate to life again. 
  • Not everyone chooses the same trip. Some people want a slower pace while others want to jump right in.
My blog is about depression, so why the heck am I talking about weight loss and wellness? 

I started this blog over one year ago to share my struggles, and triumphs, with depression. Even if you don't have depression, everyone feels sad occasionally. Figuring out how to thrive with depression and writing about it has helped me thrive. I am happier now than I have ever been. I still have a difficult day, or two, but I bounce back right away. It is a wonderful feeling. When I start that decent into darkness (you know what I mean), I can stop myself from descending too far down. And when I do descend, I bounce back so much faster. 

I did not realize when I was younger how much my mental health was intertwined with my physical health. I mention, in a prior article about a psychologist who does not accept patients unless they agree to do some sort of exercise. That is how important our physical health is to our mental health. Feel free to check out my article Exercise: How to Thrive with Depression Series (Part 8)

How we feel physically is intricately related to our mental health. Too much sugar or processed food makes me tired and then affects my mood. Walking up in pain or nauseated affects how I look at life and how I feel mentally. I know that the better I take care of my body, the better I'll feel. Sometimes, though, it is such a challenge. Especially...during...the...holidays. Chocolate, candy, baked goods everywhere. 

This year my family is focusing on eating better and getting stronger. Last year we seemed to get every flu and cold known to man. The worst flu was what we called the Christmas flu (because we got it on Christmas) but is otherwise known as Influenza A. My husband and I were bedridden with this flu for a couple of weeks. It took another few weeks for us to return to our normal state. Of course, our normal state isn't exactly great. We feel like we are falling apart between back pain, neck pain, high cholesterol, fatigue. and other medical issues. It is time to make some changes. During our horrible flu, when we were well enough to actually sit up in bed, we voraciously watched documentaries and programs on health, weight loss, and the food industry. 

Last year, I met some wonderful people with a myriad of illnesses who tried a detoxification protocol. They shared their information and stories with me. No, it isn't a magic pill that changed them overnight. But the protocol allowed them to feel better by removing the toxins our body is exposed to through food and the environment. The protocol helped them curb their cravings and they find themselves not only eating healthier but craving healthy foods rather than the sugar and processed products we tend to want. Many of them found a change in their energy and symptoms after a month. Several months later, many recovered their health and their lives. 

I'd like you to join me on my preparation and my trip to wellness and weight loss. While I feel like I have mastered my mental health, my depression, I've only just started to take control of my physical health. Chronically ill since the age of 17, it has definitely been quite the journey. Currently, I also need to lost weight I gained from being ill. (Can anyone else relate?)

I'll be sharing success stories and tips from real people! I'll also be sharing some things I have tried in the past that weren't too helpful. 

So, jump on board and let's do this together!


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Hello! I am Jamie- a nurse, a wife, and a mother (of 2 great kids and 3 amazing dogs). I have also lived with chronic illness, including chronic depression, since I was a teenager. Many years later, I now thrive with my depression rather than simply survive. I started this blog to share info and my experience with severe, chronic depression because I want YOU to thrive as well!

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The information provided on this site is solely for informational purposes and represents the opinion of the author. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please contact your physician before making any changes to your treatment plan. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. You may also contact the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255. Additional resources are located on the Resource Tab at the top of the page.